Tie me up - wearable art


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I create to ache. I create to expand. I create to gorge myself. I create to chase away the shadows. And I create to entertain them. I create as an ode to darkness. I create to the darkness within. I create to hurt a little more and love a little less or is it love a little more and hurt a little less? I create for the gleam in their eye. I create for the shards of splintered light. I create to caress the stars and well, exhaust everything else. I play with the emptiness. I create because there seems to be nothing else. I create because I have no choice. I create to quiet the saturating need. I create to find out the truth and to lie to myself. I create too hard. I create to hide. I create so others will know. I create for you. I create when I am drenched, quivering in fear. I create when I am crackling and pulsing with it. I create to hurt. I create to wound. I create to think. I create to be. I create, therefore I am, I will... I create.


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